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He's tired of Chocobos getting all the attention |
Friday, July 30, 2010
Lobster Fist Friday
Follow these instructions for good times and possible admittance to a mental institution.
Also, I just finised watching Gurren Lagann on Netflix Instant Queue--it's great if you enjoy insane, giant robot anime and the word "spiral". So, now I can't help but picture a giant robot, with lobster fists, punching another giant robot while screaming, "GIGA LOBSTER RAAAAGGEE FIIIISSSSTTT!!".
Don't judge me.
Wait...what? #34
It's Friday, so let's end the week on a mellow note. Here' s Bowerbirds covering Bon Iver's "Flume". Enjoy!
If you liked that, then check out "Northern Lights" by Bowerbirds!
If you liked that, then check out "Northern Lights" by Bowerbirds!
Now you a have reason to check out two reasons to watch PBS. On July 31, 2010 at 10:00 PM, PBS will be airing Video Game Live. Video Games Live is a celebration of music from video games (a must see for fans of "Music for Your Thumbs"), performed by local symphonies. If you can't catch it on Saturday, it will be airing again on August 3, 2010 at 11:30 PM. I've had the pleasure of attending a performance in 2005. It really is a special event. Here is the airing schedule for the rest of the country. Be sure to check out the website for tour dates. Baltimore is on the list but the date is TBA.
Who knew that Jamie Lee Curtis was a fan of WOW?
Who knew that Jamie Lee Curtis was a fan of WOW?
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wait...what? #33
Anni Rossi is amazing! Need proof? Relish in her rendition of Ace of Base's "Living In Danger". She is an artist that you should check out immediately. Enjoy!
Dear Ms. Rossi,
If Karen O. doesn't respond to my passive love letter, you can expect one in the future! I just ask that you sing "Artic Swing" and "Wheelpusher" to me every day.
Dear Ms. Rossi,
If Karen O. doesn't respond to my passive love letter, you can expect one in the future! I just ask that you sing "Artic Swing" and "Wheelpusher" to me every day.
Interstella 5555 : The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem
It was an ambitious project. After the release of their second album, Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo of Daft Punk dreamed of creating a musical to their album "Discovery". With the help of Cédric Hervet, Emmanuel de Buretel, Toei Animation and anime legend Leiji Matsumoto that dream became a reality. After three years of hard work, “Interstella 5555 : The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem” was released.
The plot is pretty simple. An alien rock band is abducted and taken to Earth by an evil record executive. Back on the band's home planet, Shep, a space pilot that is in love with the band's bass player, sets on a quest to rescue the band. While on Earth, the record executive makes the band look human and implants mind control devices on the musicians.
The plot is pretty simple. An alien rock band is abducted and taken to Earth by an evil record executive. Back on the band's home planet, Shep, a space pilot that is in love with the band's bass player, sets on a quest to rescue the band. While on Earth, the record executive makes the band look human and implants mind control devices on the musicians.
Thor Trailer
In an earlier post, I mentioned that I would save my opinion on the upcoming film until I saw a trailer. Well, here it is!
Final Verdict: I couldn't be more excited for this movie! Asgard looks amazing! We finally got an up close look at The Warriors Three, Heimdall, Sif and Frigga. The costumes look fantastic. The story appears to draw from different eras of Thor. We are treated to a look at frost giants and THE DESTROYER! What more could a guy ask for?! This looks like that it could be the best Marvel Comics movie ever!
Final Verdict: I couldn't be more excited for this movie! Asgard looks amazing! We finally got an up close look at The Warriors Three, Heimdall, Sif and Frigga. The costumes look fantastic. The story appears to draw from different eras of Thor. We are treated to a look at frost giants and THE DESTROYER! What more could a guy ask for?! This looks like that it could be the best Marvel Comics movie ever!
For my second podcast suggestion, I give you IGN Girl Fight. Girl Fight is a podcast all about video games from the prospective of the lovely ladies over at IGN. IGN editors Nicole Tanner, Dana Jongewaard, Kristine Steimer, Jessica Chobot, and Meghan Sullivan are the regulars on the cast. Each installment starts out with each person going over the games they are currently playing, then transitions into topics featuring current gaming trends, as well as issues pertaining to women and gaming. I really love this podcast because the IGN girls keep it very entertaining, even in the midst of some of the heavier topics. We don't often get to hear the honest opinions from the women in gaming, and I am glad they have changed that, and brought it into the foreground. I feel it's a view thats often overlooked, and they really have a lot of great and interesting things to say.
So go check out IGN Girl Fight. Its definitely worth your time, espeically if you are truly interested in games, media, and fun. Head on over to the iTunes store to start downloading. If anyone else knows where you can download IGN Girl Fight, let me know and I will post a link.
So go check out IGN Girl Fight. Its definitely worth your time, espeically if you are truly interested in games, media, and fun. Head on over to the iTunes store to start downloading. If anyone else knows where you can download IGN Girl Fight, let me know and I will post a link.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Bonus Stage: New "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" Preview Get!
So, because I feel bad about getting my "Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour" post up so late, please accept this incredibly bitching, new trailer for the "Scott vs. The World" game.
PS3 owners take solace in knowing that the fact you guys will get this before I do fills me with a white-hot, jealous rage. Anyways, this game looks so good that I want to make awkward sexual advances toward it.
Yes, I went there.
Also, early reports from the
2010 is truly the year of Scott Pilgrim!
Scott Pilgrim Vol. 6 "Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour" Rocks Ultimate

"Scott Pilgrim Vol. 6 Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour", the last hit in the 6-hit ultra combo that is the "Scott Pilgrim" series finally hit shelves last week (July 20, 2010). And, just like the final blow of any awesome ultra combo, "Finest Hour" delivers a slow-motion knockout that will blow minds and drop jaws.
Any self-respecting Scott Pilgrim die-hard has already either bought and read this book or is desperately waiting for their local comic shop to get more copies. I've spent a week with this book and have read it at least five times all the way through.
Seriously, this book is the definition of epic conclusion.
Bryan Lee O'Malley achieve's something that's frightfully rare in modern entertainment: he delivers a truly satisfying ending that gives readers closure. Not only does “Finest Hour” provide fans with an incredible finale to the series, it answers nearly all the lingering questions present throughout the series while still dropping some high-powered surprise bombs along the way.
For the readers who don't know, "Scott Pilgrim" is the story of Scott Pilgrim's quest to win the love of Ramona Flowers. However, to do that, Scott must defeat all seven of Ramona's evil ex-boyfriends. The first volume in the series, "Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life", was released in 2004 and is probably on sale due to the new volume being released. (Translation: Go buy it!)
"Finest Hour" picks up a few months after the end of Vol. 5 (Scott Pilgrim vs. The Universe). Scott’s defeated six of Ramona’s seven ex-boyfriends leaving only Gideon Graves between him and the girl of his dreams. However, Ramona has vanished and hasn't been seen in months. Scott’s world has crumbled around him, and all he is doing is lying in the rubble—playing video games—waiting for Ramona to come back. Scott's left with a choice: move on and forget Ramona or face Gideon and finish what he started.
The Newest Member of The Epic Gentleman's Society
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
DIY Daft Punk Helmet: I want to go to there.
Who doesn't love Daft Punk? If you said "me", we need to have a long talk. Right now. But for everyone else, check out this amazing DIY Daft Punk Helmet! And better yet, all of the instructions to build your very own helmet can be found over at http://volpinprops.blogspot.com/. The work here is incredibly detailed and pretty spot on. Lots of time went into building it, and mucho kudos the builder on a marvelous job. I'm waiting for volunteers to build me one. So if you're interested, contact me ASAP 'cause I have some meetings coming up at work where this would come in handy.
Wait...what? #31
When I am preparing for this feature, I am usually looking for a cover of a particular song or artist. Today's post completley snuck up on me. It's suprises like this that drives me to work on "Wait...what?". Here's Bat for Lashes with a simply stunning cover of "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon. Enjoy!
One Pissed Off Kid!
Here at EGS, we try to share things that we like or are excited about. It's easy to rip on something that is awful. So we try to take the higher road....also no one could possibly match the rage of Kingsley!
This guy would fit in at The Playa Hater's Ball! There is a video where he hates on BIRDS! That is some top shelf hating!
This guy would fit in at The Playa Hater's Ball! There is a video where he hates on BIRDS! That is some top shelf hating!
Pacey-Con 2010
Some of you may be wondering, why there haven't been many posts regarding Comic-Con. Believe it or not, there was an event that was trumped Comic-Con. That's right, I'm talking about Pacey-Con 2010. Joshua Jackson read Pacey related fan-fiction aloud to the masses and posed with fans for photos. I refused to move from my computer until I heard news that Jackson's career was not dead. In other news, I lost 12 lbs. this weekend. I'll see you at Pacey-Con 2011 with special guests, the Icelandic hockey team from "The Mighty Ducks 2" !
Monday, July 26, 2010
Wait...what? #30
Only one man would have to balls to cover Weird Al Yankovic's "Dare To Be Stupid"! That man is MC Chris! If you haven't seen him live you are seriously depriving yourself. Enjoy!
Fun Fact: "Dare To Be Stupid" is one of the few Weird Al songs that isn't a direct parody of a song. It's Yankovic's take on Devo's style.
Fun Fact: "Dare To Be Stupid" is one of the few Weird Al songs that isn't a direct parody of a song. It's Yankovic's take on Devo's style.
Hulu Plus
Recently I purchased the Hulu Plus service for the PS3. We are going to an in depth look at the service and hopefully answer questions you may have. When I purchased the service, I didn't know much about the service besides the promo video below.
You may be thinking something along the lines of, "Wait, I can watch all of my favorite shows from Hulu, on my TV? Screw this review, Hulu Plus is a NO BRAINER. So long cable!" Before you do anything rash, let's keep reading. First off, Hulu plus is currently in a preview phase. The amount of "quality" shows are limited. Where the hell is "Archer"?! You won't find the wide selection, that you can find on Hulu's website.
You may be thinking something along the lines of, "Wait, I can watch all of my favorite shows from Hulu, on my TV? Screw this review, Hulu Plus is a NO BRAINER. So long cable!" Before you do anything rash, let's keep reading. First off, Hulu plus is currently in a preview phase. The amount of "quality" shows are limited. Where the hell is "Archer"?! You won't find the wide selection, that you can find on Hulu's website.
Music for Your Thumbs #3: "Cammy's Theme" - Street Fighter 4
With all the buzz surrounding the Comic-Con announcements of Capcom and Namcon making two (yeah, TWO!) Street Fighter vs. Tekken games, I figured some Street Fighter love would be appropriate. Seriously, no one can write about video game music without talking about Street Fighter at some point.
Cammy has always been one of my favorite Street Fighter characters, and not just because she never wears pants. She's a fast, in-your-face character with some devastating combos. She's a miniature wrecking ball and a lot of fun to play.
Cammy's theme debuted along with her in Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers, and it's stuck with her ever since. Like most of the music from Street Fighter 2, "Cammy's Theme" is all-kinds-of catchy. Because of this, music from the Street Fighter series is remixed quite a bit. Here's a more mellow take on "Cammy's Theme."
Also, if you haven't seen anything about the Street Fighter vs. Tekken games, check it out!
Top Of The Mornin' Monday
I can't wait to have a dinosaur so I can teach it how to use a light saber (since they should be readily available by then too). Come on, science! Hurry up!
That is all. Happy Monday!
Friday, July 23, 2010
T-Pain is Rad
You have to appreciate someone that can laugh at themselves!
T-Pain VS. Vocoder
T-Pain auto tunes President Obama
The Federal Commission of T-Pain approves
T-Pain VS. Vocoder
T-Pain auto tunes President Obama
The Federal Commission of T-Pain approves
Wait...what? #29
Here's Final Fantasy (Owen Pallett) with an absolutely mind blowing cover of "This Modern Love" by Bloc Party. Enjoy!
Marvel's Answer to Kevin Butler?
I sure hope so! Super Agent, Guy Levine, and his personal assistant Karkas are hysterical! I hope, nay demand, to see more of them in the future.
Here's to an Epic Friday

I've been slacking on posts this week. So, to make up for that, please accept this epic picture of a space viking fighting a gentlemanly raptor with a sexy maid on his back.
Threadless and Comics. Love At First Sight.
If you havent been over to http://www.threadless.com/ yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! They have some pretty awesome shirts and accessories... And it just got a little better! With San Diego Comic-con starting yesterday, they have launched a tee series called "Comics-On Tees." With this, Threadless has also launched a new design challenge:
"Boom! Straight from the hallowed halls of Comic-Con 2010 comes a new, exciting challenge! As a complement to our sweet new Comics-On Tees series, featuring acclaimed graphic artists, we’d love for YOU to become acclaimed as well. But first, you must accept…So what are you still reading this for? Dust off that Photoshop and put your skills to the test. This should be a pretty exciting challenge. I'm really excited to see some of the submissions and what comics people will draw inspiration from.
Your challenge is to create an awesome tee inspired by comics!
We’re SUPER excited for this one, because the chosen design will actually be worn by a character in an upcoming issue of New York Times Bestseller, Chew! And that’s not even the half of it! Original art, an iPad, and a collection of graphic novels are up for grabs, too! "
Head on over to http://www.threadless.com/loves/comics for all of the official challenge details, and http://www.threadless.com/ to buy some pretty bitchin' t-shirts.
Start Your Morning On A Good Note
Pogo's following has been steadily growing and after visiting his Youtube channel, its not hard to see why. His recent tracks are almost entirely comprised of samples from popular films . These smile inducing tracks are amazing. I'm feverishly searching for a mixtape of these songs. Feel free to dance at your cubicle!
Here are two of my favorites!
Here are two of my favorites!
The World Needs More Rocket Raccoon!
What galactic threat could exist, that only a gun toting raccoon and a walking tree could stop? We'll find out in January 2011 as writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning bring us the limited series "Rocket Raccoon and Groot".
The writers were tight lipped when it came to details. As of now we don't know when the story takes place, if other cosmic heroes will appear, or who will be handling the art chores .
Lanning did confirm that, "It is going to be funny, [as] any series spotlighting this pair is bound to be, but it's not going to be the knockabout silliness you might expect. This is a serious cosmic action thriller with serious cosmic action thrills and serious gags. And a talking raccoon and a walking tree." The title characters will have to rely on their backgrounds to make it out of this alive.
Let me reinterate, the story stars a GUN TOTING RACOON AND TALKING TREE IN SPACE! If that isn't enough to sell you on this series, here is the cover to the first issue by comic book legend Mike Mignolia.
The writers were tight lipped when it came to details. As of now we don't know when the story takes place, if other cosmic heroes will appear, or who will be handling the art chores .
Lanning did confirm that, "It is going to be funny, [as] any series spotlighting this pair is bound to be, but it's not going to be the knockabout silliness you might expect. This is a serious cosmic action thriller with serious cosmic action thrills and serious gags. And a talking raccoon and a walking tree." The title characters will have to rely on their backgrounds to make it out of this alive.
Let me reinterate, the story stars a GUN TOTING RACOON AND TALKING TREE IN SPACE! If that isn't enough to sell you on this series, here is the cover to the first issue by comic book legend Mike Mignolia.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Holy S#!t Balls!

Marvel VS. Capcom 3 Fate of Two Worlds
I think its safe to say that every member of the EGS is incredibly excited for this game.This trailer revealed 4 more characters to this already impressive roster. Dr. Doom, Chun-Li, Super Skrull and Trish will be joining the mayhem. I can't wait to play as Super Skrull. Imagine a character that moves like Dhalsim and is a brawler like Zangief. That's only covering HALF of his power set. Hopefully, Super Skrull will be the answer to players abusing Wolverine's Beserker Barrage! Who are you guys excited for? Any guesses to other characters that will make the cut?
This Ain't His First Rodeo.
Josh Scogin has finally released his side project's first album. The album came out on May 7th (so this post is a little late). I remember checking back almost every month for some time to see if there was a date scheduled. Two years later, I had forgotten about it, but extremely excited to find that the album is finally here. The side project is called A Rose, By Any Other Name and the album title is One For My Master And One For My Dame.
This is not Josh Scogin's first rodeo. Prior to this album, he has done a lot in the hardcore scene. Since 2003, he has been, and still is, the lead vocalist, and only original member of The Chariot. Prior to that, he was the vocalist for Norma Jean.
Don't let Scogin's background scare you away from giving A Rose, By Any Other Name a chance. ARBAON's sound is a very traditional, southern, folky sound. Even hints of country and blues are in there.
Scogin is one of my favorite vocalists and songwriters across any genre of music. Take a listen to "I Sing A Lot," the first song released years ago for this album. It still holds up today and I personally can't wait to get my copy so I can hear the rest of the album.
This is not Josh Scogin's first rodeo. Prior to this album, he has done a lot in the hardcore scene. Since 2003, he has been, and still is, the lead vocalist, and only original member of The Chariot. Prior to that, he was the vocalist for Norma Jean.
Don't let Scogin's background scare you away from giving A Rose, By Any Other Name a chance. ARBAON's sound is a very traditional, southern, folky sound. Even hints of country and blues are in there.
Scogin is one of my favorite vocalists and songwriters across any genre of music. Take a listen to "I Sing A Lot," the first song released years ago for this album. It still holds up today and I personally can't wait to get my copy so I can hear the rest of the album.
Wait...what? #28
Seeing as 28 is my lucky number I'm going to bring you two amazing covers today!!
Our first cover is from someone that has already made an appearance on "Wait...what?" Miss Katy Perry so far has won me over on her covers and her style. If only she could stop doing bad pop music and I would be in love with her! Here she covers MGMT's "Electric Feel" for BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge.
Katy Perry- Electric Feel
While we are talking about MGMT I dug up an old video of them performing at a house party covering a legendary Genisis song "Invisible Touch". It's good to know that before they were selling out concerts and winning Grammy's they were just two goofy dudes that like to perform. Hopefully this still are!
MGMT- Invisible Touch
The Divine Miss J
Our first cover is from someone that has already made an appearance on "Wait...what?" Miss Katy Perry so far has won me over on her covers and her style. If only she could stop doing bad pop music and I would be in love with her! Here she covers MGMT's "Electric Feel" for BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge.
Katy Perry- Electric Feel
While we are talking about MGMT I dug up an old video of them performing at a house party covering a legendary Genisis song "Invisible Touch". It's good to know that before they were selling out concerts and winning Grammy's they were just two goofy dudes that like to perform. Hopefully this still are!
MGMT- Invisible Touch
The Divine Miss J
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Epic School.
Almost considering moving to Alabama now just to make sure my kids go to the most epic of schools...
I wonder what the mascot is... So many epic things to choose from. HOW COULD YOU DECIDE? Maybe they rotate mascots, or just dress someone up as the internet.
PODCAST: Nerdist

As my first Podcast suggestion for all of you, I would like to give a shout out to the first Podcast I found that I truly enjoyed, and made me want to dive into the realm of podcasts even more. That podcast is The Nerdist podcast. Chris Hardwick, host of Web Soup and a regular on Attack of the Show, presents one of the best podcast experiences I have had to date. He interviews a new person every podcast, and each is full of nothing but fun. The interview style is very laid back and personal. You feel you are in the room, listening and laughing along to a hilariously smart conversation. His live podcasts branch out to include a set or two of comedy, multiple guests, and live music. If you enjoy podcasts and aren't listening to this yet, do yourself a favor and start downloading now. If you are new comer, here is your gateway podcast. I promise this is not a let down. You can find the podcast on iTunes or on Chris Hardwick's website, http://www.nerdist.com/.
Wait...what? #27
Personally I am a huge fan of when pop music gets covered by unlikely bands. I'm also a complete sucker for a slow piano heavy version of almost any song. Here I think Paloma Faith has managed to make "Sexy Bitch" by David Guetta ft Akon completely her own.
Paloma Faith- Sexy Minx
The Divine Miss J
Paloma Faith- Sexy Minx
The Divine Miss J
I heard you like dreams.
Salt Tavern
Attention Epic Gentleman
This is a great 3rd date place!
I started with an Aqua Frece cocktail which was a watermelon flavored drink. It wasn't as light and refreshing as I was anticipating. It was a tad too syrupy for me. I moved on to Riesling and they offered Bex by the glass, a personal favorite.
We split the Toro Tuna Tar tare for an appetizer. I could have eaten that for my meal. It was so delicious and paired with Asian Pear cubes. The contrasting textures became addicting. The server also brought out a basket of bread that came with a sun-dried tomato spread. This spread was unbelievable! You have to make an effort to stop eating so you won't get filled on bread.
For our entrees we tried to strategically order so we could all share but with two steak lovers this became difficult...maybe next time. So two of us ordered the Lightly Smoked Grass-Fed Fillet Mignon. It is served with a pancetta and gorgonzola gratin(holy cow!), green beans (about 4...boo), and a red wine sauce. I always order my steaks rare and am pretty used to them being overcooked. Salt can cook a steak!! It was rare but seared nicely on the outside and warm and velvety on the inside. That is what a $30 steak has to taste like! I'm literally having a memory foodgasm as I write this. The only other entree we got was the Coriander and Pepper Encrusted Tuna which came with seaweed salad and spicy tuna pot stickers. You won't believe this but gourmet places tend to "poo poo" fried foods perhaps because they are too common. Salt can fry food perfectly also. There was not one thing that I tried that I didn't want more of.
I kept hearing about the legendary Goat cheese Donuts served with Coffee infused Ice Cream. Of course we ordered that and the slice of cake and shot of milkshake which has alternating flavors daily. The flavors that day were a dense chocolate cake with a
Basically Salt was the best meal and dining experience that I've had in a long time. I am a professional restaurant patron. It is more than just a meal for me. It was exciting to know that a restaurant could still impress me so much in every important category. The prices are on the high side so not many people in my tax bracket are regular patrons. Please believe that future birthdays, holidays, promotions, awesome parallel parking jobs will all be celebrated at Salt!
Salt Tavern
2127 E. Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21231
The Divine Miss J

Poor Scorpion. Having your heart broken is almost as painful as being uppercutted into a pit of giant spikes. Almost.
Check out more comics like this one at VG Cats.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
This brought some light to my afternoon...
Make Your MacBook Pro an Epic Gentleman.
Since I have been considering getting a MacBook Pro as of late, I thought this was a particularly good find. Stick With Me, Baby! stickers. An amazing set of stickers to give that extra bit of personality your MacBook requires. My favorites happen to be "El Capitan" and "The Wise Tentacles of Dr. Mooch." Check them all out at http://www.stickwithmebaby.com/
Wait...what? #26
Up and coming Swedish folk sister duo (is that enough adjectives?) First Aid Kit performs "Tiger Mountain Peasant" by Fleet Foxes. I just stumbled onto First Aid Kit and was pleasanty suprised. Be sure to check them out. Enjoy!
Yellow Dog Tavern
The first time after reading the other comments on Yelp.com (there is no Yellow Dog website...gasp!) I decided that I needed to try the Crab Benedict, Home Fries, and a Mimosa. Like every other patron I enjoyed the outdoor seating and read while I waited for my meal. The Benedict was delicious and very reasonable priced at under $12.00! The home fries are more like roasted seasoned potatoes which were also very filling and delightful with a touch of hot sauce and ketchup. The Mimosa was only $3.00 and not watered down at all. Nice touch, Yellow Dog.
This weekend some of the EGS decided to grab some brunch before we headed out to Artscape. Dennis has not eaten there very often in the years that he has been living at our house. This surprised me because as soon as I moved in and found out that they had brunch a visit to Yellow Dog Tavern hit the top of my to-do list. We enjoyed a pitcher of Mimosa ($11) which was more than enough for the three of us. Dennis got the Traditional Benedict with fresh fruit, he seemed to like it. I was craving a Smoked Salmon Benedict but that wasn't on the menu. I decided to go with the Smoked Salmon Omelet but when it came time to order I said Benedict by accident and the server just went with it. She said she would talk to the cook, she is sure they could make one for me. Well they did and I loved everything about it! This is not something that I could indulge in all of the time but man oh man was this good! Matt tried the Breakfast Burrito which had scrambled eggs, bacon, and black beans. The burrito had fresh salsa and pico de gallo on the side and was served with fresh fruit. Matt just kind of picked at the burrito. He will even admit that he isn't much of a breakfast person but he thought the eggs were kind of dry. I boxed it and up and ate it the next day for breakfast. Whoa...he was spot on, those eggs were terrible dry and the salsa and sour cream did little but mask the flavor. You could have picked it up and ate it. No knife and fork needed. Nobody wants eggs like that though. So I would stick to the Benedict and perhaps try an omelet next time.

If you are in the Canton area and would like to enjoy a few drinks over breakfast without waiting then I would suggest Yellow Dog. If you don't mind waiting or want the breakfast to be the highlight of your morning then I would head elsewhere.
Yellow Dog Tavern
700 Potomac Street
Baltimore, MD 21224
(410) 342-0280
Click the link above for their FB page
The Divine Miss J
Wall Vinyl

Now I know some of you who collect vinyl's have a few sitting around that you will never listen to again. So why not make them into clocks? That's exactly what Pavel Sidorenko has done. Sidorenko has crafted some really amazing and beautiful wall clocks from old records. Each image is simple, classic, and easily recognizable. Im not quite sure if these can be shipped to the US, but I really really hope they can, because I am definitely trying to get one. If they can, these will run you around $40-60 (give or take with conversions and shipping), which I think is really reasonable for some functional, cross media wall art. This is something any fan of music and art can appreciate. I posted a few more pictures after the jump, but you can find the full collection on Sidorenko's website.
Monday, July 19, 2010
This has been floating around the interwebs for a few weeks now, but its worth mentioning. This is probably one of the greatest breakfast inventions ever, just behind Pee Wees Rube Goldberg Breakfast Machine. You may be wondering why this post is under the "Lifestyle" section of this blog, and the answer simply is you need to be living with this device. If nothing else, buy me one because I'm
Wait...what? #25
Today's post is a personal favorite. The Sonics put a punk like spin on Richard Berry's "Have Love, Will Travel". You may recognize this tune from Guy Ritchie's amazing film "RocknRolla". Enjoy!
Thor Movie Update
Marvel has released this photo showcasing the Hall of Asgard. In the photo we can see, Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Frigga (Rene Russo), Odin (Anthony Hopkins), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), and two of the "Warriors Three" Hogun (Tadanobu Asano) and Fandral (Joshua Dallas). Some of you fansboys, can relax because Loki and Odin are wearing their iconic helmets.
Cover Run
![]() |
This book is filled with personality. Upon reading Hughes's introduction I realized that this isn't 208 pages of patting himself on the back. Hughes gives insightful commentary on the evolution of his techique, mistakes that saw print, how "joke sketches" became the final cover and the difficulty of illustrating Wonder Woman's "DAMNED KINGDOM COME ARMOR". As a person that enjoys listening to DVD audio commentaries, I found this to be just as enjoyable as the artwork.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Capcom Announces Mega Man Universe
Very little information about this new Mega Man game exists, as Capcom is keeping details surrounding the title extremely vague.
According to G4's report, all Capcom mentioned that Mega Man Universe is aiming to be "a revolutionary take on the seminal classic, setting course for a new chapter in classic gaming,"--which doesn't explain anything.
Capcom is supposed to be releasing more info at the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con, so we'll hopefully be able to make some sense out of this trailer soon enough.
Friday, July 16, 2010
For Realz This Time
Ok, Ok I know that with the last post I promised to make up for the first post! Here's two awesome scenes with Falcor. Enjoy your weekend! Hope to see you at Artscape this weekend!
Wait...what? #24
Nick Drake's "Pink Moon" is hands down in my top three albums of all time. Here we have Beck's version of the title song from that album. Enjoy!
Don't Be Mad At Me
Ok I'll admit the post earlier today was really messed up. Here's another Neverending Story clip to make up for it!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Freeze Dirtbag, Step Away From the Kittens

Here's something to fill your Thursday with smiles.
It's nice to see that Robocop can take some time off from dispensing lethal justice to criminals played by Kurtwood Smith to protect fluffy kittens. I mean, even Dr. Doom loves kitties (Buy that shirt here).
This amazing drawing is the work of artist Bill Kiley. Kotaku posted a few other illustrations of his, which include "Oregon Trail Ultimate Warrior" and "Admiral Ackbar's Pizza Party."
The Kotaku post can be found here.
To check out other works by Bill Kiley, visit his blog http://billkiley.blogspot.com/
Wait...what? #23
Today's post is a little bit of a shocker. I'm sure that most of us are familiar with Bjork's "It's Oh So Quiet". Well it's actually a cover of a song originally performed by Betty Hutton. Is it just me or would it be awesome to do a "Flash Mob" style choreography to this song? Enjoy!
Green Latern First Look
Here is our first official look at Ryan Reynolds as the Green Lantern on the cover of Entertainment Weekly. What does everything think?
First Impressions: Thor Costumes
Did Freddy Krueger Start A Band?
Summer Songs!
Every summer I have a song that just seems to play over and over in my head and makes me dance just a tad more than the other tunes that come on the radio. This year I have three! Hopefully you will enjoy them as much as I do!
YACHT- Psychic City (Voodoo City)
Avi Buffalo- What's It In For?
*bonus points for having a summery video and a song called "Jessica"
Miike Snow- Animal
So what songs are making you happy this summer?
YACHT- Psychic City (Voodoo City)
Avi Buffalo- What's It In For?
*bonus points for having a summery video and a song called "Jessica"
Miike Snow- Animal
So what songs are making you happy this summer?
"Gnarcade" Get it?
Snowboarders apparently like video games. Who knew?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Robots and Power Tool Races and Free Ice Cream, Oh, My!!
We at EGS are well aware that Artscape is coming up but I have been hearing about something called Betascape. I know a dear friend of EGS is involved but I wanted to learn more. Betascape will be taking place at MICA at the same time as Artscape. According to the Betascape website,
“From July 16 - 18th, 2010, Betascape will showcase innovative technologyShervonne Cherry gave me some insight to how Betascape came to be. Apparently people in the Baltimore Tech community have been trying to organize something similar to Betascape for some time now to no avail. Cherry states that,
through a three-day series of demonstrations, exhibits, workshops, and social
events focused on cutting edge, experimental, and interactive technology.”
"During a spring Bmore Smart meeting Heather Sarkissian of MP3car invited
Randi Vega from Baltimore Office of Promotion for the Arts (BOPA) and she was
so excited by the energy to help Baltimore, that she asked us how the tech
community could get more involved in what BOPA was doing."
Betascape has been heavily promoting via web and social networking sites about th
The event will be taking place Friday, July 16- Sunday, July 18. Cherry, a volunteer that has been in charge of the advertising also informed me that ,
"Innovate Baltimore is bringing together individuals and educational institutions
across Maryland to showcase their video games. Attendees can get out of the heat
and demo these locally created video games or play arcade favorites like Donkey
Kong, Pac-man, Mortal Kombat, Marvel vs. Capcom, and King of Fighters.”
In other words, we get to play some video games and get out of the heat! Where does EGS sign up?? Video games are not the only thing that will be at Betascape. There will be multiple DIY groups showcasing their work, robotics exhibit-with robots you can play with, and plenty of speakers on hand.
In a press release Bmore Smart- the talented brains behind Betascape,
“The Betascape tent will be located near the MICA Brown Center at 1301 Mount
Royal Avenue and Café Doris located within The Brown Center. You can find out
more about Betascape via the website http://www.betascape.org/, www.facebook.com/betascape , and www.twitter.com/betascape”.
This addition to Artscape seems a tad late but better late than never! We are thrilled for our friends behind Betascape and hope their event is a “Great success” (insert Borat voice here)!
The Divine Miss J
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